GivingTuesday unselfie
For the first time, Bright Beginnings Foundation participated in GivingTuesday. GT began 5 years ago in the U.S. and has been on the rise since. The movement is quickly growing in Canada and around the globe. In the same way that retailers take part in Black Friday, the giving community has come together for GivingTuesday.
BBF launched a simple campaign this year. We joined the GivingTuesday Vancouver campaign and posted messages on facebook and blogs. Being too selfie-conscious, I stepped out of my comfort zone to post an #unselfie.
We identified two students who are struggling to pursue their post-secondary education while trying to survive day to day. They need text books and transportation fees.
Student #1 is a 20 year old with big plans of becoming an ophthalmologist. She is a single mom and is having difficulty juggling motherhood, studying to become a Dispensing Optician and making ends meet. Besides paying for rent, food and heat she has to pay $120 per month to cross a toll bridge twice a day. All of these expenses come out of her Persons with Disability monthly cheque. With your help, BBF has handed over a cheque that will her to get to and from college twice a day for the next year. Here is her message to you, the donors.
“To me, this donation means financial security and stability. Being not only a college student, but a young mom who has a child still under the age of five can make taking transit extremely difficult. Especially because, I live in Guildford and commute to Coquitlam, and I have to drop off my son at his daycare on the way. I appreciate this donation so much, as it will be paying my toll bridge fees to and from school for the next year. Being able to drive to school has taken a lot of stress off my shoulders and has given me more time to do the things that need to be done. Instead of sitting on three different buses and two skytrains, it takes me about 15 minutes to drive home. Thank you to all the donors! Your donations are greatly appreciated.”
Student #2 is a 19 year student who is working hard to get ahead. He and his brother are the sons of a single parent. He has concluded that the only way to lift himself out of a life of poverty is to get an education. He is taking a full course-load and tries hard to concentrate on his studies while worrying about how he will pay for his student fees or textbooks next term. Here is his message to you.
“Thank you so much for your generous donation! Exam time is one of most stressful times of the year, but your donation has made this time significantly less stressful for me.”
Next year we plan to launch another campaign that promises to be bigger and better. We will, once again, be asking for your financial aid. In addition we will be asking you to spread the word via Facebook, Twitter, your email lists, etc. I would love to see your unselfies as well. All of these things are very easy and quick to do.
With your help we can give many more students the assistance they need to break the cycle of poverty.