Bright Beginnings Foundation (BBF) has been working to support high-school graduates in Surrey who are living in poverty, and who possess the academic ability but lack the financial means to pursue a post-secondary education. The foundation provides funding for tuition, educational materials and school fees while students attend the post-secondary institution and program of their choice. The objective is to give financially marginalized students the same opportunity that their non-marginalized counterparts have.

With the generous support of the Surrey Teachers’ Association, the R.R. Smith Memorial Fund, the KEATCA fund and numerous individual donors, we are helping a 2018 graduate of a Surrey Secondary School attend university. This student was awarded a full tuition, educational materials and student fees for her four-year SFU program.

BBF has a sister organization, KEATCA, which is also committed to helping financially-challenged students attain post-secondary degrees. Their scope is much wider though. They help students locally, nationally and internationally. KEATCA and BBF share the belief that the best way to break the cycle of poverty in families is to make education and training affordable and accessible to all. Both organizations have registered charity status through Vancity Community Foundation.

In our quest to raise awareness of the issue of poverty in our community KEATCA and BBF are holding an exciting event. We are inviting Surrey Schools to participate by holding school-wide discussions, debates and leadership activities that will culminate with our first annual Walk a thon entitled WALKING TOWARDS A BRIGHT FUTURE on Saturday May 11th, 2019 at North Surrey Community Park Track.

As an incentive KEATCA will provide a donation of $1.00 per participant (with a pledge) to each participating school to a maximum of $1,000.00. This money will be used at the school’s discretion. For example, we have heard of a secondary school who is using planning to use this money for their Dry Grad. All donations will be handled at the Walk-a-thon site so that School Staff and Administrators will not have to be concerned with collecting moneys. A pledge forms can be found below.

The walk-a-thon will happen on Saturday, May 11th. More details about WALKING TOWARDS A BRIGHT FUTURE, pledge forms and a poster will follow. We are planning a fun, family-friendly event. We are so excited about working with Surrey Schools to raise awareness of the issue of poverty in our community.

Don’t forget to wear your Bright clothing and bring a full water bottle!!

Thank you,

Bright Beginnings Foundation

KEATCA Foundation