assistant dog benefits charitable foundation

I don’t mind telling you that I was COMPLETELY BLOWN AWAY! As some of my BBF followers know, I am Hard of Hearing and I am lucky enough to have a Pacific Assistance Dogs hearing dog by the name of Angel. Since retiring from teaching two years ago the two of us miss being in a room full of young children. Over the past couple of years, my sidekick and I have done presentations in many schools. Angel loves to show-off and basks in the limelight when we talk about her. We demonstrate how Angel helps me at home, what to do when you see a dog with a vest in a store, etc. At the end of our presentation we give each of the kids a colouring sheet (a cartoon of Angel and me in a store). We do not mind giving these presentations free of charge because they fulfill our need to be with kids.

So, you are asking yourself, what does this have to do with Bright Beginnings Foundation? After we completed the presentation today, the group leaders presented us with a nice donation for BBF! The parents of the children had taken up a collection after a good friend mentioned the foundation to them. Thank you Joyce, Lynne and St. John’s Presbyterian church. I was so touched I was speechless! Anyone who knows me may not believe that I could ever be at a loss for words.