
About Tammy

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So far Tammy has created 48 blog entries.

Creating Bright Futures: Easier Than You Think

Yes, you read that right. All it takes is a group of passionate, energetic and committed volunteers and YOU. Together we can, and do, make it happen. Year after year, one student and family at a time, BBF has helped to create hope, allowed dreams to flourish and encouraged ambition. With your

Creating Bright Futures: Easier Than You Think2023-03-09T16:40:18+00:00

BBF Makes Bold Statement

Inflation getting you down? BBF has the answer. Is the daily onslaught of news about the state of the world getting you down? Does the economic situation keep you up at night? Do you worry about the future for your children and grandchildren? Bright Beginnings Foundation truly feels your pain and is here to

BBF Makes Bold Statement2022-11-16T21:43:18+00:00

Passions, Plans and Positivity

In October of 2016 I wrote these words in one of our first blogs. “Bright Beginnings Foundation is still in its infancy.” At only 7-months-old BBF really was an infant. We began with just two directors and an idea of the direction we wanted BBF to go. Soon Stephanie joined Sylvia and I, and

Passions, Plans and Positivity2022-07-07T15:54:32+00:00

Sylvia’s Plant Sale 2022

We are back! And we're bigger than ever!!! This year SYLVIA'S PLANT SALE will have the usual selection of outdoor plants and shrubs such as Hostas and Spotted Laurel. As well we have a variety of young trees, fruit-bearing plants, perennials and houseplants. This year we are excited

Sylvia’s Plant Sale 20222022-04-15T17:40:50+00:00

A Grateful Graduate

Here is a short video that was sent to us by one of our students. He is grateful to you for making his post-secondary education possible. Make a donation

A Grateful Graduate2022-02-05T01:15:37+00:00

BBF Lie Exposed

BBF IS BACK!!! Well, actually this is a blatant lie! We never left, we never stopped supporting our students, and we never stopped working towards our goal of helping families out of poverty. We are continuing in our mission to level the playing field for vulnerable students. During Covid times, the BBF Directors continued

BBF Lie Exposed2021-10-22T21:45:30+00:00

BBF Makes Unusual “Pitch”

April is one of my favourite months of the year. Spring is a time of renewal with the smell of grass freshly mowed, butterflies and bees busy pollinating colourful flowers, birds entertaining us at feeders and in trees, and (hopefully) gentle breezes blowing. It's also the month I am reminded of a time that BBF

BBF Makes Unusual “Pitch”2021-10-22T20:42:48+00:00

Spring is Around the Corner!

Spring is just around the corner and it's time to start planting  your gladiolas and dahlias. These pollinator-friendly flowers will begin to peak up in the mid-spring and be in full bloom in the summertime. Once again, we have teamed up with Florissa, a local grower who supplies the highest quality horticultural products to garden shops,

Spring is Around the Corner!2021-10-22T20:39:22+00:00

There’s Just No Stopping Us

In these uncertain times everyone needs a little piece of good news to hold on to. So, please permit me a bit of gloating time. My husband and I are over the moon to announce the upcoming nuptials of two of our sons. We are pleased that they are so happy. Our daughters-in-law are both

There’s Just No Stopping Us2021-10-22T20:46:23+00:00
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